Hi folks! Sorry I've been absent for almost three months!! Time really has slipped away from me, plus I've been spending every spare second trying to study for my licensing exam. So knitting has been practically non-existent. As is having a social life. Alas! But have no fear, things are really looking bright here at Chez Fuzzy Yellow Knits! Even though my fuzzy yellow is now residing about 4 miles away, still at my parents, he is doing fabulous! I see him everyday, twice a day on the weekends, and I think he's much happier out in the open then cooped up in a crate in an apartment everyday. Although I still miss him like crazy...

My Wally boy!!
I've found a great new church and it's really helping my faith to grow. I feel like the Lord has led me to this place in my life and I can't wait to see what He has in store next. Maybe it's Easter and the budding springtime, but I am so excited about all the new opportunities in my life right now!! I hope all of y'all are feeling the same!
So, time for some pictures!!
The completed Rat Race scarf! My mom loves it! Easter, circa 1985 (that's me on the bottom left in the red coat)
Happy Easter everyone!!!
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